Submission Guidelines

Prepare your chapbook.

Please get it all together as a word file (.doc or .rtf) and attach it to an email. Be sure to include title page, about the author statement, acknowledgments/credits, table of contents, poems. Cover art is appreciated and encouraged. You can include it in your Word file or send it as a separate jpeg or psd file. Previously published poems are acceptable as long as the work as a whole is new and as long as acknowledgments are made.

Send your poetry chapbooks.

  1. Provide a publishing history or a link to a publishing history.
  2. State if you've had a full-length book or chapbook published before.

Send submissions to:

A note about what you need in the email portion of your submission:

In the subject line of your email, please include: Chapbook Submission — Genre — Title. For example, if you are submitting a poetry collection titled "Breakdancing Apples", write:

"Chapbook Submission — Poetry — Breakdancing Apples"

Include a short biography or any other cover letter information that you think might be interesting. We'd like to know a bit about you.

As of now there is no reading fee or any other charge incurred by the author.

Check the home page to find out if submissions are open!

My Favorites